Magi Astrology and the 2002 Elections
Landrieu Vs Terrell

Below are the results for the Senate Race in Louisiana after the Nov 5, 2002 elections




Landrieu (incumbent)563,40046%




Due to the specific by-laws of Louisiana, Landrieu, the Democratic Incumbent, didn't face one challenger....she faced off against 4! In the Nov 5th election Landrieu won a plurality...but in order to win the seat, a candidate had to win a majority of the there was a run off election against the candidate among the 4 challengers who had won the most..Suzanne Terrell.


There are two things that we can make from this. First, we know that the Republican's tide would be a sign that Landrieu would have to swim against the current a bit...and in the Fall Landrieu was struggling a lot for an we can expect that she should have been having some difficult transits....but that those difficulties turned around early enough for Landrieu to still win a plurality in the November election, and then to win outright in the December runoff. Likewise, her main challenger Suzannne Terrell had to be having good transits indicating that she could be come a Cinderella, if even for a month...and then her transits would most likely indicate that she would be defeated in early December.

November Election






Just as we expected, using the rules of Magi Astrology it is clear that Mary Landrieu was indeed having a VERY difficult fall...she was having an oppressive number of Stressful and Turbulent transits from Saturn ( in other words a Super Transit involving Saturn), including a Heartbreak Transit...worse still, Saturn was setting up to form a YOD, which because of Saturn's involvement would be powerful Stressful and Turbulent Symmetrical Planetary Geometry...and if that weren't bad enough, Uranus was also making a Stressful and Turbulent Super Transit to her Mercury and her natal Saturn.


Saturn in Geocentric Longitude stationed on October 11, 2002 at 29.09 Gemini. While this means that Ms. Landrieu had a LOOPED TRANSIT of Saturn sextile to her Pluto and just avoided one by a hair trine to her Neptune ... there are No Good Transits From Saturn...but notice that this means that the Stressful and Turbulent Saturn transits to her Sun, Chiron, Neptune and Jupiter were INCOMPLETED TRANSITS. In fact, by the time of the elections, notice that the second pass of the Looped Transit to her Pluto was also finished

Meanwhile, notice that in Declination, Landrieu was having a Super Transit of Pluto and Uranus parallel to her Chiron. The transit of Pluto parallel to Chiron is of course one of the CINDERELLA TRANSITS...and since Pluto symbolizes Power, Big Money, Competitive Fields and the ability to be Competitive, it is one of the key planets involved in the field of Politics. The other planet which is especially involved with the field of Politics is Uranus, the planet which is symbolic of Fame, Popularity as well as Masses of People, and Mass Medias. The third important planet in the field of Politics is of course Chiron, since Chiron symbolizes the ability to be Charismatic, to project a positive Public Image, to be seen as Noteworthy and to be Recognized. Ordinarily the transit of Uranus to Chiron, while a wonderful transit, is not considered a Golden Transit...but when one is specially involved in endeavors symbolized by Uranus, like Politics, it is very powerfully positive.

In addition, we can see that in Heliocentric Dimension, Mary was having the Super Political Success transit of Uranus contra-latitude to her natal Jupiter...and in the Longitudes was having the transit of Uranus trine to her Neptune...symbolizing good fortune in Uranian endeavors, like Politics, which could bring about positive changes that would help to secure her financial and emotional security ( Neptune).

It is important to point out. If you did not know that the transits of Saturn are indeed NEGATIVE and symbolic of great stress and turbulence, then you would have had no way to understand just why Mary might have been having such a difficult time as she came into the middle of October. If you did not understand that Incompleted Transits are far less powerful than Completed Transits, you might not have understood that while Mary was having a tough time, the signs were good that she could pull it out.









It is easy to understand why Ms. Terrel would be a good candidate to put up against Landrieu. Notice how in Declination Ms. Terrel has a natal Quadruple Parallel of Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus and Sun! As we have taught both in our books and on this website, Planetary Geometry is the Key to Accurate Astrology...and Planetary Synchronizations are the most powerful influences in any chart. We have also instructed that a Triple Parallel is the Declinational Equivalent of a Grand Trine in Longitudes...this synchronization includes the Jupiter Pluto Super Success Aspect, the Jupiter Uranus Super Fame and Political Success aspect..the Uranus Pluto alignment, the Sun Pluto alignment, Sun Uranus alignment and the Sun Jupiter alignment. Of course, these also form powerful Magi Quads, which we detailed at length in our second book, The Magi Society Ephemeris.



If Ms. Terrel had know about Magi Astrology, she would have been able to see that she was actually due for a HEARTBREAK. Elsewhere on this website, after the elections in 2000, we helped our readers to understand why Al Gore lost the fact, why someone who knew and understood Magi Astrology could have accurately forecast long before the election that it would be extremely unlikely that Al Gore could become the President in the period of the Fall and Early Winter of 2000 and 2001. At that time, Mr. Gore was having a number of very bad fact, in 2000 Mr. Gore's very best transits were over after September..and Presidents are not elected in September. Most telling though was the fact that all through the Fall and into the following Winter, Mr. Gore was having a LOOPED STRESSFUL AND TURBULENT TRANSIT OF SATURN TO HIS CHIRON.

In our book, Magi Astrology: The Key to Success in Love and Money, and on this website we have made it a point to carefully teach that the transit of Saturn to Chiron in a stressful and turbulent alignment is one of the very worst transits that a person can fact it is so bad that we have given it a special name, the HEARTBREAK TRANSIT. Heartbreaks are the very worst when they occur in matters of romance and marriage of course. But we can also have Hearbreaks in our careers as well.

For the first election, when Ms. Terrell came in second, notice that just like Ms. Landrieu she too was having the Super Transit of Pluto and Uranus parallel to her Chiron...and as we noted before, the transit of Pluto to a person's Chiron in an enhancement alignment is a CINDERELLA TRANSIT...but by the time that the run off election came around, the CINDERLLA TRANSIT was gone...and the Stressful and Turbulent transit of Saturn to her Chiron was getting tighter and fact, in Geocentric Longitude, Saturn was EXACTLY quincunx to her Chiron on Dec 7th, the day of the election. As if this were not bad enough, Ms. Terrel was having the SAME EXACT TRANSIT IN THE HELIO she was having a TRANSDIMENSIONAL HEARTBREAK TRANSIT...and in the Geocentric Dimension she was having a LOOPED HEARTBREAK TRANSIT. (Also look at all of the Stressful and Turbulent T-square alignments that brewed up in Terrel's transits right around Dec 7 2002. Symmetrical Planetary Geometry is always powerful...and T-squares are Symmetrical Stressful and Turbulent Planetary Geometry...they are always a sign of great stress and turbulence. Always.

She still managed to win 48 percent of the vote..which is hardly being trounced. We would say that this was due to a combination of her own very strong natal chart...she really does have the natal astrological indicators that can empower her to be successful in the field of politics...and of course, the Republican Party's very strong transits were helping as well. Still, had we been asked, we might have said, Suzanne, save yourself for a later fact you should, because your natal stars show that you do have the gifts and talents to play in the field of Big Politics...but not this race.....this simply isn't your time.

December 7, 2002 Louisian Senate Seat
Special Election


Landrieu (incumbent)644,00452%













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