Magi Astrology



December 28, 2001


After pretending to be married and teasing the press about it for a couple of months, Drew Barrymore (child star of ET, child of John Barrymore, Jr., and recent star of Charlie's Angels) actually did marry comedian Tom Green on July 7 of this year.


This caused a buzz in the gossip columns and people were taking bets on how long the Barrymore/Green marriage would last.  Barrymore has been widely viewed as one of the freest of Hollywood's many free spirits.  In 1994, she married a bar owner, Jeremy Thomas, on a moment's notice and what seemed like nothing more than a whim; that marriage lasted all of one month before the very young couple separated.


This time around, just 159 days after saying "I do," Barrymore and Green decided to go to divorce court as Tom Green did the actual filing of divorce papers on December 13 citing "irreconcilable differences."  Both parties announced they would always love each other.  But all that means is that their heartbreak is even worse than if they do not care anymore.


Barrymore's two marriages lasted an average of 95 days, which even in Hollywood is probably a record of some kind.





As explained in our third book and on this website, according to Magi Astrology, if a couple form the Heartbreak Clash, it is likely they will break up.  If they also form a couple of other bad clashes, the couple will almost surely break up.


Drew Barrymore and Tom Green form the Heartbreak Clash.  A Heartbreak Clash is a very bad Saturn Clash and they also form three other strong Saturn Clashes.  All Saturn Clashes are bad clashes so the love union between Barrymore and Green was essentially doomed.


Below is the CAC (Combined Alignment Chart) for Drew Barrymore and Tom Green.  The planets in black represent the positions of the planets when Tom Green was born.  The planets in red represent the positions of the planets when Barrymore was born.





If you have learned most of what we have been teaching on this website, you can easily understand why Tom and Drew thought they were in love, but they could not make their marriage work. 


They were attracted to each other sexually by their Sexual Linkage (which is actually a Cluster of Sexual Planets as explained in previous links on this website).


They were romantically attracted to each other by their Cinderella Linkage which helped them to think they wanted to spend their life together.


But they fought with each other, are incompatible, and have irreconcilable differences because they have four Saturn Clashes, the worst of which is the Heartbreak Clash.


With Magi Astrology, you understand the relationship between this young couple in a way that is impossible without it.


One of the distinct and unique beauties of Magi Astrology is that it can help you to determine the most likely outcome of any relationship.  Sun sign astrology simply does not even try to do this.


According to the tenets of Sun sign astrology, some signs are more compatible than others are.  This may be true but that is about as far as Sun sign astrology goes.  Neither Sun sign astrology nor Traditional Astrology can answer the most crucial question in the astrology of love, which is:




This is the most important question in love and yet there is nothing in Sun sign astrology or Traditional Astrology that even attempts to answer this question.  But Magi Astrology has the astrological tools to reliably help us to successfully read the stars and know what is most likely to be - heartbreak or love forever, or something else.


The most reliable astrological indication of heartbreak is the Heartbreak Clash.  As explained many times on this website and in our third book, there are four ways that a Heartbreak Clash can be formed.  A Heartbreak Clash exists between two persons if one person's natal Saturn is:







to another person's natal Chiron.


A Heartbreak Clash is insidious because it first brings two people together and makes them think they are in love, but then later on the Heartbreak Clash breaks them up.


About ninety percent of the time, if a married couple form a Heartbreak Clash, the result is a heartbreaking divorce.  This is one of the discoveries the Magi Society made in completing its research on over 50 thousand married couples and this is surely one of the biggest discoveries in the history of the astrology of love.


As great a discovery as this is, the Magi Society teaches its members other discoveries in astrology that we do not publish to the public, and we think are also great discoveries.  If you might be interested in joining the Magi Society, please click here and send us an email.

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